HiFi秀 | 2016-1-29

位于美国加州南部的OSD AUDIO公司成立于2003年,是由一群狂热的音响爱好者所组建的。品牌的含义是Optimal Speaker Design,就是着重于针对不同消费者而制作不同的喇叭产品。全宅Hi-Fi影音系统,厨房,客厅,卧室,户外,影音房都有不同的产品任何地方适合您的使用。公司成立的宗旨是:追求完美声音重放,只生产最优良品质的音响。公司产品一经推出,即刻引起了强烈反响。其卓越的音效,无可挑剔的音响系统彻底征服了广大消费者,并且以各类顶级电声产品享誉业界。目前OSD拥有世界上最先进的各类研发设备及设计软件,使OSD在行业内保持精湛技术的领先地位。他们认为世界一流的品质是其品牌引领世界音响潮流的根本保证。

OSD AUDIO官方网站上的品牌介绍:

Corporate Overview

OSD Audio is a world leader in the custom design, engineering, manufacturing and distribution of high-quality audio and home entertainment products. With many years of experience, OSD produces a family of innovative loudspeaker products to meet customer requirements around the world. Our home entertainment products range in complexity from a multiple whole house audio system to architectural design look with audiophile sound quality. 

Our design and engineering staffs develop products in US that combine the latest advances in technology with simplicity of consumer set-up and use. The proprietary way we address each customer's unique requirements is what sets OSD Audio apart from other companies. 

ISO 9001 Certified Manufacturing Facilities

Using ISO 9001 certified manufacturing facilities located in US and Asia, we are able to maintain the highest quality standards through the strict implementation of quality control plans and quality assurance certifications. With our new 45,000 sq ft distribution warehouse, we've established a fulfillment operations system to ensure that customer products are delivered on a timely basis. As a safeguard for those customers whose business may experience unforeseen increases in sales, we maintain a reserve stock of product inventory. 

Innovative Product Design, Research and Engineering Team

Our U.S.-based design, research & development team is supported by a worldwide group of 23 audio, mechanical and electrical engineers. This team of engineers has extensive experience in product design, development and manufacturing of high quality audio products. 

Superior Customer Service

We've created a unique customer service program individually tailored to satisfy the unique needs of each customer. Our customer service department provides extensive product support through "live" telephone and Internet-based communication programs. 

As one of the world's leading suppliers of audio products, OSD Audio distributes millions of products each year through three primary channels: Consumer Retail, Custom Professional Installs and Original Equipment Manufacturers 


  • - 成立时间:
  • - 所属国家:美国
  • - 创 始 人:
  • - 官 网:www.osdaudio.com
  • - 地 址:775ColumbiaStreet,Brea,CA92821
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