傲立Audiolab于1983年由两位英国人Philip Swift和Derek Scotland创办,最初本来是一间很细小的公司,那时的生产厂房竟然只是在Philip家中的厨房。 首款生产出来的产品正是传颂于音响界多年的8000A合并式放大器,继而的8000C前级及8000P后级同样也是非常经典的产品。及至后来的新款前级8000Q和单声道后级8000M,亦马上被英国权威音响杂志《What Hi Fi》采用为参考放大器。
↑Audiolab于1983年由两位英国人Philip Swift和Derek Scotland创办。最初本来是一间很小的公司,生产厂房设在Philip家中的厨房。
及至后来的新款前级8000Q和单声道后级8000M,亦马上被英国权威音响杂志《What Hi Fi》采用为参考放大器。
上世纪1998年,作为世界F1赛车Mclaren麦克拉伦车队唯一认可及收购的高端音响品牌,Audiolab被暂时更名TAG McLaren,麦拿伦以他们高尖端科技,发展出多项新颖的音响及影音产品等。
及至2004年3月,著名的国际音响集团——IAG成功收购麦拿伦音响部,收购同时亦将麦拿伦音响的科技和设计一并引进,包括服务Audiolab/TAG McLaren十余年的总设计工程师Nick Clarke等。一年后Audiolab的原名得到了更正,恢复昔日荣耀。
Audiolab品牌在总工程师Nick Clarke的主持下,于2010年推出了全新设计的8200系列。设计师们努力工作以保持Audiolab品牌的精神气质,所有的内外细节、所有的高保真电子元件,都毫不妥协的采用最高标准。
傲立Audiolab于1983年由两位英国人Philip Swift和Derek Scotland创办,最初本来是一间很细小的公司,那时的生产厂房竟然只是在Philip家中的厨房。
首款生产出来的产品正是传颂于音响界多年的8000A合并式放大器,继而的8000C前级及8000P后级同样也是非常经典的产品。及至后来的新款前级8000Q和单声道后级8000M,亦马上被英国权威音响杂志《What Hi Fi》采用为参考放大器。
至1998年,麦拿伦赛车队把傲立Audiolab 收购,同时亦把牌子名称更改为TAG McLaren。麦拿伦以他们高尖端科技,发展出多项新颖的音响及影音产品等。到了2004年的3月,著名的国际音响集团IAG把麦拿伦音响部收购过来,并在一年后把牌子回复为大家熟识的Audiolab。
IAG并非只把牌子买了过来便算,同时亦把很多麦拿伦音响的科技和设计也引进到IAG;当然,最重要的是技术方面的人材,包括服务了Audiolab/TAG McLaren十多年的总设计工程师Nick Clarke也一起加入了IAG。
Nick的首个任务是要把改良后的8000系列重新推出,像8000S合并式放大器,8000Q前级,8000P后级和8000M单声道后级,即将很快与音响乐迷见面了;同时间, Nick亦会为8000系列带来几个新产品,包括CD机, AV处理器,多声道后级等,相信在不久的将来, Audiolab又会再次成为乐迷心目中的经典了。
AUDIOLAB 官方网站上的品牌介绍:
In the early 1980s Audiolab was founded by audio enthusiasts Philip Swift and Derek Scotland. The launch of their very first product, the 8000A Integrated Amplifier in 1983, was born out of their frustration that decent audio equipment appeared too expensive and was inconveniently sensitive to the system it was paired with.
The success of the 8000A Integrated Amplifier was followed by landmark products that built Audiolab’s enviable reputation for quality - the 8000S, a remote controlled amplifier which was both flexible and purist; the 8000T, which was one of the best FM Tuners ever made; the 8000PPA, a phono preamp for serious LP collectors, and the 8000M, which was one of the best monobloc power amps in the market during that time.
In 1997, Audiolab underwent major changes when the company was bought by TAG McLaren which re-introduced the line as the TAG McLaren Audio F3 range, with a new cosmetic design and internal improvements. Though there were major upgrades in the products themselves, they also became more expensive, which didn’t sit well with critics. The company also focused on producing AV processors, speakers and high end DVD players. Over its seven-year history, TMA expanded into surround sound products aimed at the high end home cinema market. A trio of AV processors appeared along with a range of multi-channel power amplifiers.
In 2004, the brand was transferred to IAG, which gave it back its Audiolab name and slimmed down the product line-up, maintaining all of the improvements in engineering and giving a fresh look to the classic no-nonsense Audiolab style. At present, with products born from fervour for music intricately engineered by a team of hi-fi specialists, Audiolab continuously seeks to achieve excellence in the quality and performance of its products whilst keeping true to its founders’ philosophy of creating well-engineered components that offer high performance sound quality and offer exceptional value.